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Importanct of respecting elderly - santa cruz ca

The Oft-Forgotten Importance of Respecting the Elderly

It’s quite troubling to hear references to the elderly that are negative. All too often, snarky remarks about one’s advanced age are made. “Getting old” seems to be one of those things that too many of us frown upon. But how does that make any sense? We all aspire to live long lives, don’t we?…
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Making the transition to living with your elderly loved one easy - santa cruz ca

Making The Transition To Living With Your Elderly Loved One Easy

All across America, grown adults are making moves that are opposite to the ones they dreamed about growing up – living with their parents again. In many cases, it’s a necessity. Elderly parents who need the assistance from their children often have to move into their children’s homes. Needless to say, this can sometimes present…
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Shower bay offers an ideal emergency temporary 300 - santa cruz ca

Shower Bay Offers an Ideal Emergency Temporary Shower Solution

On behalf of the entire team, here at Forward Day, we would like to express our sincere sympathies and offer our heartfelt support to everyone affected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. It is without question that our nation is facing some of the worst weather conditions it has seen in a long time. Quite…
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Senior citizen shower bay - santa cruz ca

Introducing 3 Important Ways to Restore a Senior Citizen’s Independence

As we age, it’s common for mobility issues to arise. Surely, no one is surprised by the fact that members of our elderly generation often contend with losses of balance, strength, and vision. As a result, there are numerous mobility solutions that aid seniors in their quests to get around safely – walkers, scooters, and…
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The importance of maintaining 300 - santa cruz ca

The Importance Of Maintaining Privacy For Seniors

Seniors who require the help of caregivers are placed in a unique life situation. You have to consider the fact that they’ve lived many years being independent – fully capable of clothing, feeding and bathing themselves. When older people get to times in their lives when they can no longer be as independent as they…
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Avoiding the huge costs of remodeling your bathroom - santa cruz, ca

Avoiding the Huge Costs of Remodeling Your Bathroom

For just about everyone, the home is a place of comfort, familiarity and convenience. It doesn’t matter how old you are; you are always likely to believe in the “There’s no place like home”. Naturally, our homes are where we spend the most time. It’s where we sleep, eat most of our meals and enjoy…
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Providing the perfect solutions for those returning home from rehab - santa cruz ca

Providing The Perfect Solutions For Those Returning Home From Rehab

Most often, people associate physical disabilities with individuals in their elder years. And while it’s true that aging is a top culprit for a loss of strength and balance, it’s important to be mindful that there are a variety of reasons why people may experience difficulties with mobility. Injuries sustained due to various mishaps can…
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3 elements of a shower that make it ideal for handicapped users-santa cruz, ca

3 Elements Of A Shower That Make It Ideal For Handicapped Users

Individuals with mobility issues face difficult circumstances on a daily basis. What most of us take for granted, those with disabilities see as challenges. The very act of safely moving around the home can be an uphill battle. This is especially true for those who require the use of wheelchairs to get around. And needless…
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Handicap shower -santa cruz ca

What Are the Most Important Elements of a Handicap Shower?

When an individual endures a major injury or illness that presents him/her with a disability, life changes drastically. Of course, the older we get, the more susceptible we are to get hurt or experiencing changes in our health. So, whether it’s a specific trauma or our advanced ages, getting into the home safely is eventually…
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Minimizing bathroom hazards for our elderly loved ones - santa cruz ca

Minimizing Bathroom Hazards for Our Elderly Loved Ones

It won’t be a surprise to you to learn that, as we get older, we become more prone to injury. Naturally, with either the loss or diminishing of our motor skills, strength, balance and mobility, we become more susceptible to slips and falls. And of course, the older we get, the more hazardous to our…
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3 important tips for caregivers of stroke victims - santa cruz ca

3 Important Tips for Caregivers of Stroke Victims

Stroke survivors are incredibly strong people. They live daily with debilitating limitations that present them with difficulties in completing tasks that were once considered easy. Naturally, stroke survivors often depend on the assistance of loved ones once they’ve returned home from the medical centers and rehab facilities where they were receiving care immediately after suffering…
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What are the safest bathing options for stroke victims - santa cruz ca

What Are the Safest Bathing Options for Stroke Victims?

As many stroke victims have already learned, a stroke can occur out of nowhere and without any warning. The debilitating results of a stroke, however, can have long-lasting effects that significantly change the lives of sufferers. Because a stroke involves a prevention of blood flow to the brain, the effects can be far-reaching throughout the…
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Presenting shower bay at the stroke and disability learning center - santa cruz ca

Presenting Shower Bay at the Stroke and Disability Learning Center

At Forward Day, we believe in offering solutions to those who may be under the impression that help is unavailable. We’re strong supporters of those who have mobility issues and face difficulties getting around and performing everyday tasks that most of us find easy to do. Bathing is one of those activities of daily living…
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Enjoying the benefits of safely showering without remodeling - santa cruz ca

Enjoying the Benefits of Safely Showering Without Remodeling

It’s simply a part of life. Aging, that is. No one is immune to it. And, in fact, the luckiest among us age the furthest. However, it goes without saying that as we age, we tend to encounter greater challenges with strength and mobility. It’s not uncommon for the elderly to require mobility solutions such…
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Cost of Assisted Living vs Staying at Home

A recent article by Consumer Reports outlined the average cost of assisted living in the USA is $3,600/month. It details that pricing varies by state/facility and in some areas is up to $6,000/month and over $11,000/month for nursing home care. With these high prices it is no wonder why both seniors and their adult children…
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