Introducing 3 Important Ways to Restore a Senior Citizen’s Independence

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Senior citizen independenceAs we age, it’s common for mobility issues to arise. Surely, no one is surprised by the fact that members of our elderly generation often contend with losses of balance, strength, and vision. As a result, there are numerous mobility solutions that aid seniors in their quests to get around safely – walkers, scooters, and wheelchairs are among them.

However, it’s important to understand that a senior’s mobility issues only represent a portion of his/her hardships. Let it not be forgotten that there is often a great deal of emotional strain that accompanies one’s loss of mobility. Simply put, losing independence is a tough thing to deal with. Those who live with their elderly loved ones should be mindful to address the emotional needs as well as the physical needs of the seniors they care for.

To do that, one must introduce ways to restore senses of independence in their elderly loved ones. Here are three suggestions:

Senior citizen technology1. Introduce them to modern technology.

How often do you see a senior citizen use a smartphone or a tablet? It’s certainly not as commonplace a sight as seeing a teenager play with these devices. Modern technology can make older individuals feel isolated and “behind the times”. However, as we all know, access to the internet can do a lot to keep us all abreast of what’s going on in the world. Not to mention, there are some modern-day gadgets that can help your elderly loved ones to take care of themselves.

“Today’s world offers a huge opportunity for easily managing healthcare, taking charge of life and well-being,” says Healthcom, “Telehealth devices abound, with wireless devices that take blood glucose and oxygen level, blood pressure and weight, then send the results to doctors without a trip to the clinic. The day continues uninterrupted, and so does the independence.”

Regaining independence2. Introduce them to new friends.

They really need to get rid of that old saying “you can’t teach old dog new tricks”. In our later years, there is still plenty for us to learn by getting to know new people. Making new friends is a great way to battle the stress that is induced by loneliness and the feeling that you can’t do things for yourself. This is why encouraging companionship between elderly individuals is highly recommended by Brett Nila of Griswold Home Care.

“One of the greatest threats to independence among aging adults is mental and emotional health consequences caused by loneliness and isolation,” he writes, “The companionship offered by a referred caregiver encourages conversation and activity, boosting mental and emotional health, supporting greater engagement with the world around them, and keeping their minds sharper and more active for improved cognitive capability and health throughout your parents’ aging years.”

Ideal portable shower - santa cruz, ca3. Introduce private bathing options.

Bathing is one of those things that make independence especially valued. Removing your clothing and cleaning yourself is something we all hope to do throughout our lives without the assistance of caregivers. Wheelchair users are especially sensitive to this fact. At Forward Day, we’re incredibly proud that our portable Shower Bay showers enable wheelchair users to bathe in privacy while enjoying full and thorough showers with running water!

To learn more about our Shower Bay portable showers and how they help to restore a senior citizen’s independence, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-877-223-8999 or email us at

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