4 Health Situations That May Call for a Roll-In Shower
While the need for a roll-in shower may be more crucial for some patients than it is for others, roll-in shower units can come in handy for those that have suffered from either life-altering or temporary disabilities. From children to teens, and adults, here are 4 possible health situations for using a roll-in shower at home to make your caregiving needs easier and safer for everyone.
01. Car Accidents
In the United States, over 2 million people sustained serious car crash related injuries in 2015 alone. With major injuries that may require surgery, or temporary disabilities, some people suffering from these injuries may want to consider using a barrier free shower unit in their home during the recovery process. Roll-in showers can aid in this process by making individuals more comfortable while showering and also relieve caregivers from having to lift patients over a slippery tub edge.
02. Sports Injuries
Too many people make the mistake of assuming that a roll-in shower can only be used for serious illness patients or elderly persons with major disabilities. However, sports-related injuries can temporarily disable athletes who may need to use specialized equipment during the recovery process. Athletes may sustain injuries in particular that prohibit them from using regular showers during recovery. Fortunately, by using roll-in shower units, athletes can protect themselves from dangerous falls in the bathroom that would further delay their recovery.
03. Strokes and Illnesses
The onset of a debilitating illness or sudden stroke can leave an individual and their family members discouraged and overwhelmed. In light of this, there is no reason why taking a shower should be another stressful event for anyone suffering mobility issues. To make things easier, using a roll-in shower stall can be a great option to keep a person safe and relaxed. Roll-in showers provides a safe, barrier-free entry for wheelchair access. There are two ways to achieve this: A full remodel, or a portable roll in shower. A portable roll-in shower easily attaches to the closest sink without the need for plumbing modifications. It can also cost much less than a full bathroom remodel.
04. ADA Disabilities
Lastly, many handicap roll-in showers are approved and designed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. These ADA roll-in showers are often recommended by doctors and physicians to their patients for use when recovering from an illness or injury. To help aid in the stress reduction of a serious disability, patients should always check with their insurance companies to see if they can help in covering the cost of any roll-in shower unit.
It is always an unfortunate event when life knocks you down and you suffer from serious health injuries and situations. But while recovering, the daily process of waking up and feeling good can be made easier with the help of a roll-in shower. To find out more about roll-in showers or to purchase one of your own, connect with us today.