Introducing Our New “State Resources” Page!
We’re happy to announce a brand new wrinkle to the Shower Bay website! The tab to the far right of our home page reads “State Resources” Clicking on that new tab will bring you to a page that provides a state by state resource list of both government and non-government organizations and programs that may be helpful for those who are looking for assistance in paying for a wheelchair accessible shower.
Each state, listed in alphabetical order, has its own set of links. By clicking on the state that applies to you, you’ll find subsections that include links to information about Assistive Technology Projects, Assistive Technology Financing, State Medicaid Waivers, Equipment Loan Closets, donation locations and more.
Assistive Technology Project
In each state, there is a grant available that funds a state program to provide services to people who have disabilities. It helps them to both learn about and have access to Assistive Technology such as walkers, patient lifts, electronic communication devices, special-purpose computers and wheelchair accessible showers.
Assistive Technology Financing
Every state also has its program that offers to finance to individuals who have disabilities. Naturally, this helps them to obtain the funding necessary to purchase Assistive Technology. Such technology can include any of the items mentioned above, pieces of equipment or product systems that are used to boost, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of people with disabilities.
State Medicaid Waivers
Unfortunately, our Shower Bay portable showers are not covered by Medicare. However, each state as a State Medicaid Waiver that can sometimes offer some flexibility on approving certain products. We’re happy to say that the Shower Bay has been approved in some states on a case by case basis, thanks to State Medicaid Waivers. It is different in every state, and not everyone qualifies.
This is one of the top reasons we felt it was so important to add the new “State Resources” page to our website. Because the rules and regulations vary from state to state, we thought it best to put each of our clients in touch with their appropriate state-specific resources. If you require any assistance retrieving information about the State Medicaid Waiver process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d be more than happy to help you!
Equipment Loan Closet
This link will assist you when you’re no longer in need of your Shower Bay portable shower. Many people attempt to resell their portable showers online, but many others will choose to donate them to an Equipment Loan Closet. That way, the Shower Bay can continue to help others to have access to a safe shower with running water.
At Forward Day, we consider it our top duty to help people with disabilities to restore their independence. With our Shower Bay portable showers, we have been successful in allowing wheelchair users to take private full and thorough showers with running water instead of having to depend on the help of caregivers in traditional bathtubs.
If you have any questions about our Shower Bay portable showers or the state resources applicable to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us to ask them. Give us a call at 1-877-223-8999 or email us at