The Importance of Giving Thanks to Your Aging Parents
The elderly deserve our admiration. In far too many cases, our older generation is met with “they’re too old for…” rhetoric. And while it’s true that senior citizens often contend with balance, strength, and mobility issues, it doesn’t mean they deserve any derision. In fact, they deserve the exact opposite. Our loving support and respect are, at the very least, what we owe older people. This is most definitely true when it comes to your aging parents.
Express Yourself
Say it. It’s just that simple. While expressing yourself may not necessarily come that easy to you, we know that when people hear words of gratitude, love, and support, it goes a long way in making their days. Your show of gratitude doesn’t have to be a big presentation. Simply tell your elderly parents how much you honor and cherish them.
“Even if you demonstrate that you respect your elders through your actions, it’s important to actually tell them how much you appreciate and respect them,” agrees Dana Larsen on, “Compliments and giving people purpose, especially older Americans, is a very positive message. If there is a senior who has positively impacted you, make sure to share this with them; it will probably bring a smile to their face.”
Ensure They Have a Tidy and Comfortable Living Space
Not every show of gratitude is verbal. As the old saying goes, “actions speak louder than words”. The older adult in your life has likely done quite a lot for you. As you grew up, you had him/her to lean on and look to for help. These days, the roles have likely been switched. It’s up to you to preserve your aging parent’s health and well-being. Do so by regularly ensuring he/she is comfortable and safe.
Keep up with the chores necessary to keep his/her living quarters clean, suggests Vista Prairie Communities. “Even if they have housekeeping service, the gesture of taking the time to ensure their space is extra neat and tidy shows how much you care,” they communicate on their website.
Show Your Love During Times When It’s Hard to Do So
Have you had a recent argument with your aging parent? Do disagreements come often between you two? Things may not always be easy. In fact, you may not even consider the relationship a particularly strong one. Believe it or not, such a situation provides you with a great opportunity to significantly turn things around. You know the old request to “be the bigger person”? Well, give it a shot!
“This is the hard part, truth be told,” admits Visiting Angels, “When things go wrong, when you’re not happy, when people are mean to us, when we are worn down by the millions of slings and arrows of everyday life…we don’t want to say thank you. But in truth, this is the time when it matters the most. “
At Forward Day, we care a great deal about the safety, comfort, and happiness of older adults. With that in mind, we would like to remind you about our Shower Bay portable showers. They make it easy for wheelchair users to bathe in any room of the home where it is convenient. If you have any questions about our Shower Bay portable showers, please don’t hesitate to contact us to ask them. Give us a call at 1-877-593-4461 or email us at